That'd Be Me

    That'd Be Me
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Motel 666, Page 3

waiting for you…” She pulled her jacket back, revealing more tempting cleavage, put one leg forward—hiking her skirt and showing off her wonderful legs in the process—and wet her lips. He didn’t know which was more tempting. “…stark naked.”

Rajiid stared at her for a moment, stunned. He thought about her being naked often but… “I would, I would… Why would you do a thing like that?!”

Anna smacked the fax orders down onto the counter forcefully, upsetting a bottle and sending a shower of green-striped capsules rolling across the floor. “Because I can’t seem to get your attention any other way! When are you going to let go Rajiid?”

Opening his mouth, Rajiid realized he had no idea what to say. “What…?”
She took his hand and moved even closer. Her lips were practically brushing his. He could smell a delicate perfume he didn’t realize she’d been wearing. His nose had never been good with scents. He wished he dared…

“Your wife Rajiid. I know you loved her deeply. But she’s been dead twelve years now.”

He must have winced because she suddenly seemed less angry and more sympathetic. Her voice lowered to a husky tone. “It’s time to move on.”


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I'm a crusty curmudgeon who loves Science Fiction, uninhibited women, a good argument, and trying to get my computer to do what I want rather than what it wants.

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All original material on this site (i.e. stories, comments, reviews, etc.) are copyright 2009 (or date of post) by Don (full name on file).