That'd Be Me

    That'd Be Me
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Motel 666, Page 27

difficult, he knew. He raised his hand and struck the podium a hard blow with the flat of his hand making it CRACK into the microphone. “Before we ascend to the Throne of Heaven we must cleanse the earth!” The shocked silence was total. He spoke slowly and distinctly, confident he had their full attention. “You wouldn’t leave your trash on the ground after a picnic, would you?”

He had to struggle not to smile as he saw a small boy bend down quickly to pick up a gum wrapper he’d discarded and slip it into his pocket. Would that his son were so attentive and obedient. Ron could see him sitting there beside his mother—who had always been an asset to his ministry—with that sullen look on his face he always wore in church. Ron just couldn’t figure where the boy got his stubborn, belligerent streak. And his lack of reverence for the Lord.

“I know none of you are going to be waiting in line for the Beast to stamp his mark on your foreheads.” Ron smacked his own for emphasis. “But it doesn’t seem to register that many of you do things nearly as bad every day.” He nodded at the surprised murmurs from the crowd.
“True as the gospel of John.” He waved his finger in general at all of them. “How many of you have seen television evangelists who twist the Word of God to suit


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I'm a crusty curmudgeon who loves Science Fiction, uninhibited women, a good argument, and trying to get my computer to do what I want rather than what it wants.

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All original material on this site (i.e. stories, comments, reviews, etc.) are copyright 2009 (or date of post) by Don (full name on file).