That'd Be Me

    That'd Be Me
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Motel 666, Page 13

Just as they got the front door open and stepped outside, Missy woke up and tried to sit up groggily on the bouncing blanket. “What are you doing…?! Daddy!”

Rajiid’s car pulled into the driveway, screeching to a stop in front of their van. Faheen dropped his end of the blanket, dumping Missy unceremoniously to the grass. “Hey!” He ran toward the low picket fence in the back and, as she struggled groggily to get up, he jumped it like a deer, and kept going.

Abdul saw the man getting out of the car had no weapon. He wasn’t a big man either. If he was anything like a real man. Abdul definitely had the weight on him. But he ran faster than the long-legged Faheen and there was death in his eyes. His death. But more than that. He didn’t fear the long sleep in the service of Allah. But this father-demon would rip his soul to shreds and eat the shreds if it could. He could feel it. It was already making him weak. Abdul ran through the fence, barely slowing as it smashed and splintered at the impact.
* * *
Rajiid didn’t spare the running Arabs a second glance. “Are you all right, Little Miss? Did they hurt you?”

“No. I don’t think so. I was taking a nap and when I woke up they were carrying me outside on the blanket.” She


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I'm a crusty curmudgeon who loves Science Fiction, uninhibited women, a good argument, and trying to get my computer to do what I want rather than what it wants.

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All original material on this site (i.e. stories, comments, reviews, etc.) are copyright 2009 (or date of post) by Don (full name on file).