That'd Be Me

    That'd Be Me
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Alexandrian Visions, Page 3

lanky form watching her from across the room. Perhaps she was a bit too pretty a boy, she thought uneasily.

"Report to Tellus in the Archive then; he's heading the Sumerian translation," Diokles said, then bent down to scold one of the boys for making a smudge.

"Thank you sir!" She couldn't wait to see what the Sumerian scrolls had in them. Calixte turned and started to dash toward the stair leading down to the Archive then skidded to a halt as Leonides boney form stepped in front of her.

Leonides reached out a hand to steady her and touched her arm. Then the world fell apart and the Vision took Calixte’s sight. She saw him writhing, entwined naked with another boy. She really didn't want to see this. Somehow she reached back to her physical self and jerked her arm from Leonides grasp. "What's the matter?" he asked looking hurt.

"I have to go. I'm needed in the Archive." She knew she mumbled the words but she didn't care. She had to get away. Leonides seemed so nice. He was the only one who'd welcomed her to the library and tried to make her feel at home. She'd avoided spending much time with him because she was afraid he might suspect she was a girl. But now she knew the truth. His was more than a friendly interest; he lusted for the pretty boy he thought she was! She probably wouldn't have given it a second thought if it was someone else, but she liked him. To think of him.... it was too much.


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I'm a crusty curmudgeon who loves Science Fiction, uninhibited women, a good argument, and trying to get my computer to do what I want rather than what it wants.

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